
Haircomb Basics


Address Format

  • Haircomb address is a 256bit (64 characters) identifier.
  • Users can pay to payable address.
  • Decidable address is not used for paying to, but in more complex contract scenarios.
  • Payable address can be one of 3 types (backed by 3 possible constructs):
    • Public Key (A Haircomb)
    • Liquidity stack (Stack entry address)
    • Merkle contract (Merkle segment)
  • Decidable address is backed by the decider construct

Mainnet payable address

  • 256bit (64 characters), hexadecimal, uppercase (alphabet 0-9,A-F)
  • Example: 56801490D07BF28918933259D2A8992B2CA2BD5DBBEA9D401AE3172794E65295

Testnet payable address

  • 256bit (64 characters), hexadecimal, lowercase (alphabet 0-9,a-f)
  • Example: 2ee9ebc5a95f6bda309ebe3aef7de34d9c6c9d50d8d7b0937659974c100584ad

Mainnet decidable address

  • 256bit (64 characters), hexadecimal, uppercase (alphabet G-V)

Testnet decidable address

  • 256bit (64 characters), hexadecimal, lowercase (alphabet g-v)
  • Example: kqommpujtljojintjniqqsuvojmnkshkikopmqjtsjlktrmqkjoqqrphrolkrqql

Validity and Usage

  • There is no checksum, any address with the required length and format is valid.
  • Payable addresses can be paid to, decidable addresses can be used to make contracts.
  • Is it possible that in the future, Haircomb might migrate to a different address format(s).