
Development Timeline

Major Milestones and Updates


  • Introduction: Provide an overview of the development timeline for the Haircomb project.
  • Purpose: Explain the importance of tracking major milestones and updates in the development of the project.


Initial Concept and Planning

  • Date: Specify the date or timeframe when the initial concept and planning began.
  • Details: Describe the key activities and decisions made during the early planning phase.
  • Outcome: Outline the outcomes and objectives established at this stage.

Prototype Development

  • Date: Mention the date or timeframe when the prototype was developed.
  • Details: Provide details about the prototype, including its features and functionality.
  • Outcome: Explain the results of the prototype development and any feedback received.

Whitepaper Release

  • Date: State the date when the initial whitepaper was released.
  • Details: Highlight the key aspects of the whitepaper and its significance.
  • Outcome: Discuss the impact of the whitepaper release on the project's development and community response.

Beta Testing

  • Date: Indicate the timeframe for beta testing phases.
  • Details: Describe the scope of beta testing, including features tested and any issues identified.
  • Outcome: Summarize the results of beta testing and any changes made based on feedback.

Mainnet Launch

  • Date: Provide the date of the mainnet launch.
  • Details: Describe the features and functionalities available at launch.
  • Outcome: Discuss the impact of the mainnet launch on the project's adoption and usage.

Major Updates

  • Update 1:
    • Date: Specify the date of the update.
    • Details: Describe the key changes or new features introduced.
    • Impact: Discuss the impact of this update on the Haircomb ecosystem.
  • Update 2:
    • Date: Specify the date of the update.
    • Details: Describe the key changes or new features introduced.
    • Impact: Discuss the impact of this update on the Haircomb ecosystem.
  • Update 3:
    • Date: Specify the date of the update.
    • Details: Describe the key changes or new features introduced.
    • Impact: Discuss the impact of this update on the Haircomb ecosystem.

Future Milestones

  • Upcoming Goals: Outline any planned future milestones or goals for the Haircomb project.
  • Timeline: Provide an estimated timeline for these future milestones.

Further Reading

  • Historical Articles: Link to articles or reports that provide additional context or details about the development timeline.
  • Project Updates: Include links to detailed updates or changelogs related to major milestones.


  • Citations: List any sources or references used in the creation of this documentation.
  • External Links: Include links to related external resources or documentation that may be useful.