
Technical Documentation

Overview of Implementation


  • Purpose: Provide a brief overview of the Haircomb implementation and its objectives.
  • Architecture: Describe the high-level architecture of the Haircomb system, including key components and their interactions.

Implementation Details

  • Core Components: Explain the core components of the implementation, including their functions and how they work together.
  • Design Considerations: Discuss the key design considerations that influenced the implementation choices.
  • Integration: Outline how different parts of the system integrate with each other.

Code and Libraries


  • Overview: Provide an overview of the libcomb library, including its purpose and key functionalities.
  • Installation: Include instructions for installing and setting up libcomb.
  • Usage: Provide examples and documentation on how to use libcomb effectively.
  • API Reference: Link to or include detailed API documentation for libcomb.


  • Overview: Describe the combfullui library, its purpose, and its main features.
  • Installation: Provide installation instructions for combfullui.
  • Usage: Offer guidance on how to use combfullui, including example code and common use cases.
  • API Reference: Link to or include detailed API documentation for combfullui.

Additional Resources


  • Official Documentation: Provide links to official documentation or user manuals for both libcomb and combfullui.
  • Tutorials: Link to tutorials or guides that help users get started with the implementation.

Code Repositories

  • Source Code: Link to the source code repositories for libcomb and combfullui.
  • Issue Tracking: Provide links to issue trackers or forums where users can report bugs or request features.

Further Reading

  • Technical Papers: Link to any relevant technical papers or research articles that provide additional context on the implementation.
  • External Resources: Include links to external resources or related projects that may be of interest.


  • Citations: List any references or sources used in the creation of this documentation.
  • External Links: Include links to related external resources or documentation.